Glen Jean, WV |
stamp is kept at the Canyon Rim Visitor Center, off US-19, just
north of the New River Gorge Bridge. There may also be a
stamp at the Hinton Visitor Center which is only open from
Memorial Day to Labor Day. |
River NRA
Glen Jean, WV |
stamp is kept at the Canyon Rim Visitor Center, off US-19, just
north of the New River Gorge Bridge. |
Ferry NHP
Harpers Ferry, WV |
stamp is located at the visitor center off US-340, a few miles
west of the historic town. The Sandy Hook stamp for the C&O
Canal is here also. You can take a shuttle bus from here
to the lower town, or you might try to ride your motorcycle
into the historic area. Finding a spot to park is not impossible. |
River Gorge NR
Glen Jean, WV |
stamp is kept at the Canyon Rim Visitor Center, off US-19, just
north of the New River Gorge Bridge. There may also be
stamps at the Hinton Visitor Center, Thurmond Depot, and the
Grandview Visitor Center, all of which are open seasonally. |