"A good plan
today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
- George S. Patton
Crescent City, CA to Redding, CA: US-101 South to Trinidad, then
Eureka, US-101 North to Arcata, East on SR-299 to Redding. (MAP)
Most days, things go as planned. I live for these days. They’re
what I’m all about.
Some days, things don’t
go exactly as planned. I’m just trying to get by on days like that.
Other days, things just
don’t go. These are the bad days. Today was bad.
Let’s break it down and
see just exactly where things went wrong.
8:00 AM –Wake up and
finish the journal for Day 50. So far so good.
9:15 AM – Load bike and notice left side saddlebag is coated with
*** Okay, this is where things started to go to crap. It’s all
downhill from here.***
9:16 AM – Figure out that oil is leaking from the filler cap on top
of the left cylinder and blowing back in the wind and hitting the
case. This is not good. I clean up the side of the motorcycle and make
a point to keep an eye on the filler cap. It seems to be sealing well,
but obviously it’s not.
9:30 AM – Head over to Redwood National Park Visitor Center to get
the stamp, a mile up the road. At least they've got the right colored
ink (green).
10:00 AM – Turn on Canon Elura DV Camcorder and notice it isn’t
working. The screen says to remove the cassette. Okay I’ve seen this
before. Just pop the tape out and then back in and everything is fine.
10:30 AM – Still trying to get the tape out of the camcorder. It
won’t budge and it won’t play. This is bad.
10:56 AM – Manage to get the tape out and then put it back in, but
there’s nothing on the tape. All of the video I shot yesterday at
Crater Lake didn’t record. This is very bad. I reset the camcorder,
but it starts acting up again and won’t eject the tape again. This
thing is very broken. I need to get a new one, like right away. Like
yesterday. But it’s Saturday, on a holiday weekend, and I’m over
300 miles from San Francisco. And I’m not going to get there until
Wednesday anyway. At least that was the plan.
10:58 AM – I decide to go to Eureka, just a few miles past my
planned route, to see if I can find an Elura. I realize my chances are
slim, but I could get lucky and save the day.
11:10 AM – The view over the ocean from the coastal highway is
spectacular. A bed of clouds covers the ocean and sweeps up into the
redwood covered hills. It’s gorgeous and I’d love to show it to
you but I can’t because the camcorder isn’t working. SHIT.
11:15 AM –There is a significant amount of oil coming out of the top
of the cylinder, around the filler cap. This sucks. I stop and wipe it
off. But I can’t think about it right now because I’m trying to
figure out how to get a replacement for the Elura. I pull out the cell
phone and call just about everybody I know who might be near a
computer and could help me look it up on the web. But no one is
around. It’s a Saturday, and you’re out doing things. Good for
you. Bad for me.
11:43 AM – The oil problem is getting worse.
11:45 AM – I stop at a Chevron Station in Trinidad to buy a roll of
paper towels and some stuff to clean up the oil. But I can’t get the
ignition key out of the bike. Actually I can’t even turn it off. I
shut off the motorcycle with the kill switch.
11:50 AM – I finally get the key out. Today is just not my day. What
the hell is going on around here!?!
12:00 Noon – I’ve cleaned up most of the oil and wiped down the
bike again.
12:01 PM - I decide to take the camping gear off the back seat so I
can get to the storage space under the seat where I keep an extra oil
filler cap. This is such a hassle.
12:15 PM – The camping gear is strapped back on the bike, and the
spare oil filler cap is in place. I hope the o-ring gasket on the cap
was the problem. If not I’ll know real soon.
12:17 PM – Back on the highway heading south and the oil is starting
to blow out again. It’s actually worse than before. GOD DAMN IT.
12:35 PM – I ride through Eureka and drive around town looking for a
video store. Look!!! There’s one right there called Humboldt Audio
and Video. And they’ve got a Canon Video Banner in the window! YES!
12:40 PM – NO! They sold their only Elura yesterday. Why do I have
to have an Elura you ask? Because it is small and all the accessories
I have are for it. I NEED AN ELURA. I ask the kind folks if anyone
else in town might have one, but they say they’re the only Canon
dealer in town. No surprise there. How about Redding, 130 miles east?
Check the Circuit City they suggest.
12:42 PM – On the cell phone with the Circuit City in Redding. They
don’t sell Canon Camcorders. Try Sears, the guy says. Click.
12:45 PM – On a pay phone, calling 1-800-OK-CANON to find a dealer
near me. The customer service rep is less than helpful. He can’t
find anything in Northern California, and will only look up places if
I give him zip codes. Like I’ve got a zip code book in my tankbag!
Yeah, and monkeys are about to fly out of my ass. But I do have the
GPS, and it helps, but the loser on the phone can’t find anything in
Eureka or Redding or Lake Tahoe. Click.
12:47 PM – Not getting anywhere finding the elusive Elura, so I turn
my attention to the $15,000 dollar, oil leaking motorcycle. BMWs
don’t leak oil. Yeah, right! I decide to call Cycle-Logical in
Eugene, as they were the last people to touch the filler cap. The
mechanic tells me to check the O-ring on the plastic piece which the
filler cap snaps in to. He says these leak sometimes and you can fix
it with some silicone sealant. I didn’t even realize this piece had
a seal on it.
1:05 PM – I’ve popped out the plastic piece and can see where
there was some sealant around it, but just in places, not around the
whole thing. I pull off the o-ring, clean up all the pieces and then
put it all back together. I don’t have any sealant, but it looks
1:10 PM – I go back into Humboldt Audio and Video and tell them my
sorry tale. They feel so bad for me that the owner almost calls up the
customer he sold the Elura to. He does call his Canon Sales Rep who
tells us that there is a place in Grants Pass, Oregon, and a few in
Sacramento. Neither one of those places is in my future plans. The
Humboldt guys tries to sell me a Canon Vistura. No thanks, I need the
Elura. The Vistura is huge, in comparison, and is nowhere near the
Elura in picture quality. Thanks anyway.
1:33 PM - Getting back on the bike, when the Humboldt guy comes out to
tell me about a repair shop in town. Not an authorized Canon place,
but the guy knows about camcorders.
1:50 PM – I’m still looking for the repair shop, but can’t find
it. Screw it. It would probably just be a waste of time anyway.
2:03 PM – I stop and call Camera World of Oregon, now called
Camerworld.Com. I know they will have an Elura. They’ve got em, all
right, but they can’t ship until Monday, and won’t ship to a hotel
or motel. I have no idea where I’m going to spend the night on
Tuesday anyway. This is not going to work. They’re in Portland. I
actually think about driving it, but that’s nuts. Way too far.
There’s got to be a closer place.
2:15 PM – On the road, heading east to Redding, and there is no oil
leaking! Finally, something is going my way.
2:16 PM – All I can think about it how I can get my hands on an
2:17 PM – Whoa! Going a little fast for that turn. Let’s try to
concentrate on the road.
2:18 PM – Screw the road. I need a new Elura.
3:20 PM – I’ve stopped to get gas. There’s a pay phone so I call
Camerworld again. I’ve plotted an idea where I’ll convince the guy
on the phone to drive down to Redding with the camera. I’ll make it
worth his while. I mean really worth his while. Cold Hard Cash. He
says they don’t do that. Okay how about somebody else in the store.
They don’t do that. Buy he’ll ship me one on Monday. Come on,
I’m talking American Greenbacks. He puts me on hold, and then the
line goes dead. He hung up.
3:21 PM – I can’t go into details, but let me just say that the
pay phone at the Chevron Station in Willow Creek, California, is no
longer in working order.
4:13 PM – I’m speeding along and there’s a cop on the side of
the road. NO,NOT NOW! But he’s pulled over because there is stream
pouring out of his cruiser. His radiator is blown! I almost stop to
help him, to commiserate with someone else having a bad day, but I
5:05 PM – The Visitor Center for the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity
National Recreation Area is closed. It closed at 4. I’m not even
close. But Redding is just down the road and I’ll stop there for the
night and come back here in the morning to get the stamp. Redding in
right on I-5 and I’ve got a feeling I’ll be going down to
Sacramento tomorrow anyway. I was supposed to be camping in Lassen
Volcanic National Park. No chance in hell that is going to happen
tonight. Oh, those Camping Gods got together with the Camcorder Gods.
5:53 PM – I’m in the motel room, setting up my computer so I can
get online and find a video store with a Canon Elura. But the phone
has one of those wires that goes straight in with no plug. WHAT! Okay
how about the other end? Where the hell is the other end? Behind the
bed which is mounted to the floor and can’t be moved away from the
5:57 PM – I’ve moved the bed, and probably slipped a vertebrae in
the process. The phone wire goes straight in to the wall. There’s no
jack! SHIT!
6:03 PM – I knew this wire I been carrying around would come in
handy. It has a telephone plug on one end and a four bare wires on the
other. I’ve unscrewed the wall plate, matched up the red, black,
green, and yellow wires and I’m all connected. Here goes nothing.
6:10 PM – Earthlink, my Internet service provider, has a local
access number in Redding, and I’m online. Canon’s web site (http://www.canondv.com)
has loads of information about the products, but no dealer locator.
The only help is that damn toll free phone number. 1-800-OK-CANON.
6:15 PM – I give up on the web and call the 800 number again. This
time the customer service person knows what she’s doing. I give her
some zip codes for Lake Tahoe and Sacramento and she gives me the
number for a dealer in Reno and three numbers in Sacramento. Reno
would be the best because I could continue my planned route, get the
Lassen Park stamp, and pick up the camera at the end of the day.
Crossing my fingers, I make the call.
6:18 PM – The Reno place is only open Monday to Friday and no one
answers the phone. Next.
6:20 PM – Two of the Sacramento places are only open M-F, but the
last one, Fry’s Electronics, is open! I speak to Sunny in the video
department and ask him if they carry the Elura. He looks it up and
says "Wow, that’s expensive." No kidding Sunny, but do you
have one in stock, and are you open tomorrow? He says his list says
there are three in stock and they are open on Sundays from 9 till 7.
But I’m not going to take some list as gospel. I need actual
confirmation. I’m not about to go hundreds of miles out of my way
and find out they don’t have the camera. He says he'll check the
stock and he’ll need to call me back as the store is quite large.
Okay. I give him my cell phone number. He’s having some trouble with
the 917 area code. He’s never heard of that. It’s a cell phone
man! I’m not from Sacramento! Don’t you get this! He says he’ll
call back in 20 minutes. I tell him to make it 15.
6:40 PM – Sunny still hasn’t called back.
6:45 PM – I call back Fry’s and get Sunny on the phone. He says he
tried to call me back but the call wouldn’t go through. THANK YOU
AT&T, YOU PIECE OF SHIT COMPANY. I’ve got a full strength signal
but calls aren’t coming through?!?
6:46 PM – Sonny says they’ve got the camera. I ask him to put my
name on it and hold it for me. I tell him that I’m going to travel
hundreds of miles out of my way to pick this thing up. If the camera
isn’t there, there will be trouble. I’ll be there sometime after
noon tomorrow. He gives me a confirmation number.
7:00 PM – Okay, so I have to go to Sacramento tomorrow, spend the
whole day on interstate slab and I’ll miss an NPS stamp for the
first time on the trip. DAMN IT!
8:00 PM – I’m going for a walk, getting some air, and there’s a
cop who has pulled over a bicyclist and is writing him up. What the
hell could a guy on a bicycle do to get a ticket? At least there’s
someone out there having a day just as bad as mine. I’ll rest easy
knowing that.
Miles Today: 237.1
Total Miles: 16.287
Time on Motorcycle: 4 Hours 8 Minutes
Average Speed: 57.4 MPH
States Visited today: 1 (CA)
Total States Visited: 32
National Park Service Passport Stamps: 1
NPS Stamp totals: 118 Stamps, 29 States
Weather: Clear and Bright
Number of times I smiled today: 0
I didn’t notice anything today because I was too obsessed with
my own problems.
So why do I need a Canon Elura Digital Video Camcorder so bad?
Because, despite the fact that mine is broken, it is an amazing device
and no one else makes anything like it. Part of my trip involves
shooting video for Discovery’s Travel Channel, and they’re paying
me good money to do so. And I feel like I don’t want to see all
these wonderful things without recording them. The camcorder is part
of my trip as much as my still camera is. Actually, I use it much
more, having already recorded 15 hours of footage.
The Canon Elura (http://www.canondv.com)
is the latest and greatest in camcorder technology. A Digital Video
Camera it records video at near broadcast quality and the entire unit
fits in the palm of my hand. You won’t believe how small this thing
is, and on a motorcycle miniaturization is the most important thing. I
can actually hold it in my hand and still safely ride the motorcycle.
But the Elura’s size
doesn’t mean it lacks quality. The images it produces, recorded on a
tape the size of a pill box, are incredibly clear and rich with
detail. The state of the art unit contains a Progressive Scan CCD that
records 60 frames per second. (Most units out there only record 30)
This capture quality allows each video frame to be used as a still
picture, so the camera does both video and stills. The audio quality
matches the video as the Elura records sound in digital stereo. The
unit has digital and analog inputs and outputs, a 2.5 inch LCD viewing
screen, amazing auto exposure and white balance, allows full manual
control, and includes a 12 times optical zoom with a 48 times digital
zoom. This thing is just amazing.
If you’re looking for
the latest, greatest, smallest camcorder, make sure your check out the
Elura. If you shop around you can get on for about $1300. I won’t
leave home without it.
