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DETAILS: I head northwest towards Fargo and the boring drive across the plains into North Dakota. I’ve dreaded this day for months since I planned it. 450 miles on the same interstate is not my idea of a fun-filled day. But I hunker down and start counting the exits. The speed limit is 70 MPH here so at least I’ll make good time. The trucks add some excitement to the trip though. There are few things I like less than the terror of truck turbulence. In a car you feel the wind noise as you pass a truck, and maybe your vehicle moves a few inches. But on a motorcycle it’s a whole other world. It starts to hit you about 1/10 of a mile from the back of the trailer. Imagine being thrown into a wind tunnel at 80 MPH and then being head-slapped by Deacon Jones. I get my highlight of the day between exits 153 near Avon and 147 near Albany. A large dump truck from an excavation company is shedding its load of golf ball sized rocks onto the interstate. Suddenly I’m dodging bullets, driving through an asteroid field! I’m reminded of that scene in "The Empire Strikes Back", except my Millennium Falcon doesn’t have energy shields or laser guns. I move as far left as possible and try to zip by the truck, but SMASH, a rock hits my ankle. It feels like my boot took most of the damage. When I get up to the driver’s window and start waving at him, he thinks I’m saying hello. But he gets the idea quickly when I lift up my visor and start yelling at him, accusing him of attempted manslaughter. He pulls over right away, almost in a panic. The bike has escaped damage, as I was most concerned about a broken headlight or windshield. But my ankle will probably have a bruise and maybe some swelling. Nothing is broken, so I move on and the traffic gets lighter as I get further west. I really am out west now, as I’m closer to the Pacific than the Atlantic. I’m also getting colder, as I drive into a front. Just before Fergus Falls, I break out the gortex rain liner and by lunch I’m wearing my heated vest. It’s below 60 degrees in Bismarck when I arrive. Bismarck – even the name sounds cold. On a day like today, I think a lot about gas mileage. I’ve had some questions from the audience about fuel costs and mileage so here are the stats: Tank Size = 6.1 Gallons, 5
gallon main tank with a 1.1 gallon reserve. THE
PASSINGS: OK, so I stop in Fargo for some lunch, pull into this place called Kroll’s Diner, and try the soup special. This famous Knoephla Soup type deal. Some kind of potato dumping deal. Didya ever try it? Pretty good, yaah? Yaah. Everything Okaay Fer Ya? You're darned tootin'!