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Welcome to the on-line version of my motorcycle trip across America. Ill try to do one of these each day to let you know where I am and how Im doing. Along the way I hope to share the journey with you. Ill tell you about the places I go, the people I meet, and the different gear that makes this all possible. TODAYS
DETAILS: I never woke up because I never went to sleep in the first place! Boy, am I stupid. Its just about the worst way to start this thing off. But it really couldnt be helped. I just had too much to do, much of which I never got done. Besides, you know me, I never really sleep anyway. By 7:00 AM my friend Kimberly was ringing my doorbell. She came over to see me off and help load up the bike. A personal note of thanks to Kimberly without her I never would have been half as ready as I was this morning. Shes been helping me prepare for the trip since Memorial Day Weekend. I dont know what I would have done without her. And while Im at it, Id also like to thank Amanda Schatz, Laurie Orlando, Patty Gillespie, my Mother, my Sister, and all my friends who have been so supportive and helpful these past few months. Walking up to the garage, it hit me. I AM ACTUALLY DOING THIS! COOL! But Im really tired. So we load the bike up, shoot some video of me getting ready (with the really cool Canon Elura DV Camera Ill be using for the Travel Channel work Im doing) and by 9:00 AM Im ready to go. Shit, I wanted to be on the road by 7:00 AM. Its only the first day and Im already changing the itinerary. My planned route had me traveling all the way up the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut and then up I-91 to ride around the northeastern part of the state. But I quickly decide to trim the route and cut out the 80 mile detour to Woodstock, CT. I get past the New Canaan exits on the Merritt, and I start to feel really tired. Man do I wish I had gotten some sleep. I remember what Ive read about riding when you are fatigued, what the long distance Iron Butt (http:/www.ironbutt.com) riders do: make lots of little stops. I do it and it works, but I cant believe Im this tired and its only the first hour of my first day! The weather is a bit oppressive but with the help of my CamelBak hydration system, and my Garmin Street Pilot GPS (more on this in a future post) Im at the Truro Synagogue National Historic Site in Newport, Rhode Island by 1:00 PM. I get my first NPS Stamp of the trip (more on this later too) at the oldest temple in America. A quick tour around Ocean Drive and the mansions of Newport and I head for The Whaling Museum in New Bedford. But I get there five minutes after the Visitor Center closes! NO STAMP FOR ME. Fortunately for all of us, and all of America for that matter, my next stop is open year round, 24 hours a day. Plymouth Rock is there for you and yours to enjoy and behold whenever you feel the desire. Yeah, you get the idea. A bunch of people standing around and looking at a ROCK! Maybe tomorrow Ill get to watch some grass grow. A quick run up Route 3 and I arrive safely at my sisters house just south of Boston, by 6:45 PM. A home cooked meal, a refreshing shower and a comfy bed. I really need to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a 400+ mile day and it helps to actually be awake while riding a motorcycle. See you on the road . THE